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Foreclosure Rescue

foreclosure rescue

Feeling pressured by upcoming foreclosure, need help to Stop, Cancel or buy time We can help. Many Banks are threating homeowners with foreclosure but what many home owners don't know is that the Banks are performing illegal activity in order to foreclose. Many Banks are recreating important documents and are using Robosigners to bypass protocols to control the foreclosure. Know your rights and get HELP NOW!!

  • Save The Dream
  • Lower Your Payments
  • Cure Late Payments
  • Reverse Foreclosure
  • Cure Late Property Taxes
  • Bad Credit? That's Okay!
  • Job Loss? That's Okay!

Laws Prohibiting Dual Tracking in the Foreclosure

Laws prohibit mortgage servicers from foreclosing on your home while considering your loan modification application.

"Dual tracking" occurs when a mortgage servicer continues to foreclose on a borrower's home while simultaneously considering the borrower's application for a loan modification or other foreclosure avoidance option. In the past, dual tracking was common.

Now, though, federal law strictly limits the ability of servicers to foreclose on a borrower while also working out a loan modification or other alternative. Some states have enacted similar restrictions.

Dual Tracking and Foreclosures

During the mortgage crisis, it was typical for servicers to advance a foreclosure while telling the homeowners they were in the running for a modification or other mortgage workout option. In most cases, the homeowner would end up with whichever one was completed first—usually a foreclosure.

Because of this practice, called "dual tracking," many homeowners who were sure that a loan modification was forthcoming were shocked to ultimately lose their homes.

Laws That Restrict Dual Tracking

Now, federal law restricts servicers from taking certain steps during the foreclosure process if the homeowner is working on securing a loan modification or other alternative to foreclosure. Some states have this type of law as well.